Scooter stores for mobility scooters & wheelchairs - Shop
livepages::jquery();?>Manufactured in thick, heavy gauge galvanised steel panels, perfect for keeping your scooter or wheelchair and equipment safe and dry.
Securit Scooter Range offers excellent scooter security using an exceptional locking system.
Price includes VAT and flat pack delivery to your door*.
Scooter Store Range comes with the manufacture's 10 Year Warranty.
All Scooter Stores are not supplied with electrical plugs or charger points. The larger stores are supplied with a prill drilled plate to fit a electic point.
Delivery will take between 16 weeks delivery.
Products In This Category:
*Free UK Mainland Delivery* (surcharge for parts of Scotland and South West please check when ordering). Securit Gb Ltd does not currently offer delivery to Ireland and Isle of Wright, but we can supply the products to be loaded onto transport. The stores are not supplied in boxes but loose panels.
These stores are available in IN THREE (ivory, green & grey) different colours please confirm when ordering.